- Stickers We don't sell stickers, because we don't sell anything, but if you want some Four Thieves stickers, here are templates you can print out on sticker paper. [Small] [Medium] [Large]. If you want to use the hexagonally pre-cut sticker paper from onlinelables.com you can use these templates instead.
- T-Shirts and Sweatshirts We don't sell apparel because we don't sell anything, but here is an image file optimized for A4 iron-on transfers. We recommend one with a white background designed for dark coloured fabric, like Avery 3279.
- Patches We don't sell patches, because we don't sell anything, but you can make your own by following these instructions for cross-stitching. If you don't have the patience, we recommend this person on fiverr, she's done some nice ones we've seen, and she did this video walkthrough as well to help, if you've not done this sort of thing before.
- Mugs You can stick a sticker on your favourite mug. Not dishwasher safe, though. But good for pencils.
- Dolls We don't sell dolls, because we don't sell anything, but you can crochet a cute little plague doctor using these instructions. Don't you just want to give the little doc a squeeze? If you don't have the patience to make your own, we recommend this person on fiverr; she's done some nice ones that we've seen, and did this walkthrough video to help anyone who might be struggling.