Introducing the EpiPencil
Dr. Mixæl S. Laufer - Sep 19, 2016

WHEREAS The pharmaceutical industry continues to put profits above human life, and

WHEREAS Autoinjectors and epinephrine are technology which belongs to the world, and

WHEREAS EpiPens save lives every day, but only for those who can afford them, and

SINCE The Four Thieves Vinegar Collective is dedicated to providing access to everyone

WE HAVE developed the EpiPencil, an epinephrine autoinjector which can be built entirely using off-the-shelf parts, for just over $30 US.

Sources for the three items you require are linked below, followed by a video which details how to assemble them.

Stay healthy,

—The Four Thieves Vinegar Collective

EpiPencil video on

EpiPencil Update Video on

Instruction packet:

Autoinject 2 non-fixed needle device #AJ1311:

1mL luer slip syringe (10-pack):

1" 22G Luer Lock Hypodermic Needle (10-pack):